Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Mid Week Devotion "Our Job"

Many of us believe that it is the preacher’s job to proclaim the good news and our job is to listen. That is not completely true. Presbyterians believe in an idea that we state as “the Priesthood of all Believers”. This means that ministry is up to each and every one of us. The church on earth is the body of believers united by the Holy Spirit. Paul tells us that just like in our human body each part has it’s own role to play. Each and every one of us is given gifts and talents from God that are to be used for the furtherance of the Kingdom of God. We each have a role in the drama of life. Are we fulfilling our God given potential? Christian vocation is our response to God’s call. God calls us all to be a priesthood of believers united in Christ. United as a common body, we are to live our lives in hope of the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God. As a body we are to work to transform and prepare the world for the eternal reign of Jesus Christ. As a Christian I am called to be a partner in God’s redemptive mission in the world. The Christian life is an ongoing, active ministry of word and deed. In answering the call God puts on each of our lives we are to take up this responsibility and use the gifts and talents that God has given us to train and teach others about God’s redemptive love.

Do you know what most people judge us on? Do you know what most people, especially the younger generation, looks at most when they are considering a Church home? Not the Narthex and how clean it is. Not the nursery. Not how friendly people are. Not how they have been welcomed. Not the programs for their families. All of those are very important and they do play a part in someone's choosing a Church. But the one single most reason for choosing a Church is US, and how we live: "Do we really live by what we claim to believe?" Are WE faithful or are we going through the motions. Does our faith make a difference in our lives?

That's some pretty heavy stuff isn't it? But that's really what it's all about. Living what we say we believe. A good witness isn't like a salesman; the emphasis is on a person rather than a product. A good witness is like a signpost. It doesn't matter whether it is old, young, pretty, ugly; it has to point the right direction and be able to be understood. We are witnesses to Christ, and we point to him. You may say, “Who, Me?”, and God answers “Yes, You”. When we begin our walk with Christ and call ourselves Christians we assume the responsibility of pointing others towards Christ. Whether you are aware of it or not, people are watching you. People see how you react to the rude checkout person in line at the grocery store and how you treat others around you. Does the joy of Christ show in our daily actions and reactions?

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