Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Midweek Devotion, The Family Table

The Family Table

Laurie and I have been trying to make sure that we eat our meals at the kitchen table with Mignon at a specific time. We say a blessing, one that Mignon can repeat with us. This fosters some consistency and gives us a time where we slow down and pay attention to one another as we share our meals.

In the New Testament we are shown many moments where the meal is central to what is going on or what Jesus is teaching. Jesus eats with sinners; Martha prepares a meal while Mary sits at Jesus’ feet, the feeding of the multitudes, the last supper. In the book of Acts meals play a prominent role in the development of the early church.

When we gather around the table it is a place where we find our identity. Different generations of the family can get together; old stories are remembered and retold. The family table is a place where we feel that we belong. Do you remember the show "Cheers"? Their theme stated that, "You want to go where everybody knows your name and they're always glad you came." The family table offers welcome and security. We are surrounded by those that really care about us and our well being.

The table is also a place where faith can be kindled. Tables can be a means of nurturing the faith of those we love. Family meals provide an opportunity for parents and grandparents to share the faith that we hold so deer.

The good news for us is that we have an open invitation to and can always come to God's table. Jesus had some of his most powerful moments at dinners. He taught his disciples, with words and actions.

When we pray in the Lord's Prayer: "Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.", we are asking for and expecting Christ's realm to take shape in our personal lives and in the lives of others; as we and they live under the influence of Christ in our daily activities. In the Lord’s Supper, Jesus is present among us. As we participate in this sacrament, we are forgiven, healed, loved, and strengthened in our faith in order that we, in response, may go out from here to live and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ in the world.

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